Milon Training

Husband is on the Leg Extension at Health Me.

Do I love myself? Do you also ever stand in front of the mirror looking at the person you see there? (Yes, of course, because otherwise you wouldn't stand in front of it.) Do you then only look at everything that is wrong with that person in your perception or do you see a beautiful human being there [....]

Being aware of your diet, exercise and rest

Healthy eating

Not "REALLY" conscious? Have you ever seen commercials go by on television and so on about nutrition, exercise and rest? Have you started blindly mimicking that without really knowing if it applies to you? I do!!! Now I am still quite young and may not have the one and [...]

Do you want to start fitness, lose weight or get fitter? And to do so in a safe and pleasant environment? But do you keep postponing the first step to the gym? Then Health Me has a personalized solution for you!


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