About Health Me


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Why Health Me?

Health Me helps you achieve your personal goals. Want to lose weight, get stronger or get rid of that injury? Health Me is here for everyone! Our equipment helps you achieve your goals safely and efficiently. Our coaches will give you an extra push. Because of the Milon circle, you only spend 35 minutes, allowing you to reach your goals faster. The Milon circle works 30% more effectively than a traditional fitness workout.


Through our Health Me concept, we have already helped many people to a slimmer and tighter body by exercising twice weekly in 35-minute sessions under the guidance of a coach. Do you need an extra incentive to reach your desired goal? Then we would also like to guide you in the field of nutrition. We will help you make a personal nutrition plan.


You may sometimes notice that some everyday things take more energy than usual! This all has to do with the decline of muscle strength. From the age of 30, muscles slowly break down on a micro level. You can counteract this by exercising! Through the Milon concept, you 30% train more effectively than a traditional workout.


Would you also like to run up the stairs, take a brisk walk or sprint a bit without having to catch your breath? At Health Me, your energy level will be restored. This is done through a customized plan, so that it is achievable yet challenging for all ages. This allows you to safely achieve your desired goals.

How does Health Me work?

Everyone knows how important exercise is. Because thanks to sports, you get more out of life. Don't like working out in a traditional gym at all among all those many age groups? Fantastic! Because at Health Me we focus on people from 40 years and older, who want to live a healthier life without spending hours in the gym among all the other athletes. Welcome to Health Me!

How are we going to do that?

By using the Milon circle, you'll finish your workout in just 35 minutes. Per session you are up to 30% more effective than during traditional fitness. By doing 2 sessions weekly you will reach your goals faster. Would you like to see if Health Me suits you? Come join us for one session and see if you feel at home in our gym!

Milon circle

The Milon circle has 12 computerized machines including 6 cardio and 6 strength machines. A workout lasts only 35 minutes consisting of two rounds of 17.5 minutes. The circuit has a fixed route and has the same starting and finishing point for everyone. This way you never get in each other's way and everyone has enough space to train. Each strength training session lasts 1 minute per round, when the minute is up you have 30 seconds to change equipment. On a cardio machine (bicycle or crosstrainer) you are working intensively for 4 minutes.
Do you want to start fitness, lose weight or get fitter? And to do so in a safe and pleasant environment? But do you keep postponing the first step to the gym? Then Health Me has a personalized solution for you!


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