Do you feel that you are not comfortable in your skin or that you want to lose some pounds? With our renowned Health Me concept we have already helped many people. Together with your coach you set your goals. One of the goals can be to become leaner and fitter.
Nutrition plays an important role in making your body feel better and fitter. Health Me helps you address the following issues:
With the renowned Health Me concept, we have helped many people achieve a slimmer and tighter body. This with only 2 weekly sports sessions of 35 minutes under the guidance of a coach. If you want to come more often you are welcome! Does your body need an extra boost besides the sports to achieve the desired goal in a short time, we can also guide you in the field of personal nutrition coaching. Sign up now to get slim and watch the inches disappear!
From the 30e year of life muscles at the micro level begin to slowly break down. The lower the muscle density the slower the metabolism becomes. This is a slower metabolism. Even if you don't change anything in your diet the body still gains an average of one kilogram of fat per year. In addition, 1 kilo of fat mass has 4 times the volume of a kilo of muscle mass. In short, less muscle and more fat is not immediately visible on the scales, but it does add size!
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