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Are you feeling out of shape? A vitality boost will get you back on your feet!

Do you also want to go back to the days when you could run up the stairs-, take a brisk walk- or sprint a stretch(s) without taking a few minutes to catch your breath afterwards? Then Health Me is the place for you! With the vitality boost, energy systems are reactivated to get your energy levels back on track. This is done through a customized plan where we combine cardiovascular training with properly executed strength training. Because we work with the Milon circle, the workouts can be tailored to suit all ages. This way it is still challenging and you can safely achieve the desired goals quickly.

Cardio Health Me
Elderly sports

Sport with your personal coach

Based on a customized plan, you get started exercising. At Health me you exercise together with a personal coach in sessions of 35 minutes. In these 35 minutes you will complete our Milon Circle. You will do this with 12 different devices. With a personal wristband, the devices are set to your size.
You feel fitterYou have more energyExercise is easier

Sport with your personal coach

Based on a customized plan, you get started exercising. At Health me you exercise together with a personal coach in sessions of 35 minutes. In these 35 minutes you will complete our Milon Circle. You will do this with 12 different devices. With a personal wristband, the devices are set to your size.

Don't hesitate any longer!

Do you want to soon feel better in your skin and be able to exercise again? Sign up now to feel more vital and energetic.

Sign up below for a free try out at Health Me

    Do you want to start fitness, lose weight or get fitter? And to do so in a safe and pleasant environment? But do you keep postponing the first step to the gym? Then Health Me has a personalized solution for you!


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